Dr. David L.Hartz D.C. CFMP
Founder Designed Nutrition Systems
Certified Functional Medicine practitioner
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If my Lab tests are normal why do I feel so bad?

Most Americans are convinced that standard ordinary medical tests, such as blood testing, are the only reliable tests available. Many of these tests do indeed provide valuable information needed to diagnose and treat. We certainly utilize them when we believe they are needed. The problem is that there are certain parameters that cannot be measured by standard blood testing, i.e., measuring the matrix or cellular levels of the body. You can measure calcium in the blood and find normal levels yet have decreased calcium levels in the bone causing osteoporosis
Why do many people receive conventional blood testing and interpretation and are told that their blood test is “normal?” The only problem is they feel anything but “normal”. How can that happen? This goes back to the fact again that conventional medicine is focused on disease, in end stage crisis. Their focus, research and training all are aimed at addressing disease at the point of the crescendo of crisis, then follow lifesaving efforts. Certainly, those efforts have their place and we are thankful for them. The problem is by the time the symptoms are at that severity, the interventions are invasive, dangerous, expensive and unfortunately many times not successful. Over the years the ranges of lab normal have gradually changed. They have widened and now what was once abnormal can fall in the normal range. One reason for this is that the normal are derived from averages of the population and the general population is getting sicker. It seems like if everyone is getting sicker that’s OK as long as we all get sicker together.
So, narrowing the normal ranges many times provides important information as well as specialty testing which are done through special function testing laboratories. So, laboratory testing is important but not all potential causes of chronic disease can be determined and isolated with lab treating only. Neurotransmitters in the brain cannot be measured by blood, but only by tissue biopsy and that is not always practical. Also, toxicity and heavy metals could be located in different tissues and organs like the liver, brain or thyroid gland and how do you find that? You cannot take parts of the organs out to test and redo it to monitor change as treatment progresses. The laboratory testing can also cost thousands of dollars.
What is needed is a new set of lenses to look through. We keep looking through the lens of modern allopathic medicine and though we see sets of symptoms, we are not striving to find causes. Instead, we have developed very sophisticated drug technology to control about every symptom imaginable.
Functional Blood testing is done on each new patient and the findings correlated with the energetic testing results. A comprehensive report of the findings which looks at the findings under functional parameters is included at no charge. Because of the discounted lab that is used the cost for the laboratory testing is that usually would be over 600.00 is under 120.00.